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  Feb 06, 2025
2019-2020 Colleges of Law General Catalog 
2019-2020 Colleges of Law General Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Master of Legal Studies (MLS)


14.1 MLS - Academic Program

A. Educational Objectives/Ineligibility for Bar Exam

The goal of the MLS program is to provide working professionals with a practical knowledge of the law which will enable them to become informed and innovative problem solvers within the workplace. It is specifically designed for individuals who wish to obtain an advanced knowledge of the law and the American legal system, but who do not intend to become lawyers. The Master of Legal Studies (MLS) Program is offered entirely online. The Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California requires that the following language be included in this Catalog:

Except as provided in rule 4.30 of the Admissions Rules (Legal Education in a foreign state or country), completion of a professional law degree program at this law school other than for the Juris Doctor degree does not qualify a student to take the California Bar Examination or satisfy the requirements for admission to practice law in California. It may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or to satisfy requirements for admission to the practice of law in any other jurisdiction. A student intending to seek admission to practice law should contact the admitting authority in the jurisdictions where the student intends to qualify to sit for the bar examination or to be admitted to practice for information regarding their legal education requirements.

The School has established three institution-wide learning competencies, Knowledge of Law, Practical Skills, and Ethical and Professional Values, as detailed in Section 3.5, Educational Objectives . For the Master of Legal Studies program, the following Program Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes have been established:

MLS Program Learning Objectives MLS Student Learning Outcomes
1.1 Legal Doctrine
Students will examine fundamental legal principles and the conceptual frameworks of the American legal system.
1.1a Students will examine the structure, branches, and functions of the U.S. and California legal systems.
1.1b Students will demonstrate the ability to identify fundamental legal principles and apply them in specific factual situations.
1.1c Students will demonstrate the ability to use standard legal terms correctly.
1.2 Policy
Students will examine the role of public policy in the American legal system and its role in the workplace.
1.2 Students will identify public policies underlying legal rules and principles and apply them to the workplace.
2.1 Research
Students will perform legal and non-legal research.
2.1 Students will perform electronic legal and non-legal research in primary and secondary legal resources, as well as non-legal materials.
2.2 Communication
Students will examine and apply the principles of oral and written communication.
2.2a Students will apply and practice principles of advocacy through oral presentations and role-playing.
2.2b Students will apply and practice principles of legal writing through drafting legal documents.
2.3 Dispute Resolution
Students will examine the options and techniques for resolving legal disputes out of court.
2.3a Students will use and apply options and techniques for resolving legal disputes.
2.3b Students will use and apply rules applicable to dispute resolution proceedings.
3.1 Ethics and Professional Conduct
Students will identify and examine ethical concerns in the law and practice professionalism.
3.1a Students will identify ethical impacts in current legal issues and analyze their applicability to the workplace.
3.1b Students will recognize the importance of professionalism and describe its applicability to the workplace in law-related matters.
3.2 Diversity
Students will acquire skills necessary to function in a diverse, multi-cultural world.
3.2 Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with individuals and groups with a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies in a global legal environment.

B. Units/Hours

  1. Program Requirements

    Students must successfully complete at least 30 units of credit to qualify for the MLS degree. Prior versions of the MLS program are no longer available.
  2. Hours Required per Credit Hour

    A credit hour for an online course represents 15 hours of instructional activity (e.g., engagement with web-based instructional materials) based upon a 50-minute hour (“clock hour”) toward achieving specified student learning outcomes, therefore 360 clock hours of instruction are required for the degree. For online courses, the 15 hours of instructional activity may include but are not limited to synchronous or asynchronous lectures or webinars, interactive tutorials, and online discussions. A credit hour also assumes an additional 30 hours of homework, studying, and/or research. A credit hour for practicum, fieldwork, or internship coursework represents 45 hours of applied practice and weekly seminar/supervision. Partial credits are not granted.

    Distance Online or Hybrid Course
    For distance online or hybrid courses, the total hours of work typically required for any class of work reflects: 1) synchronous and asynchronous components that facilitate faculty-student and student-student interaction (virtual classrooms, discussion boards, and chats) and 2) independent learning components (readings, recorded lectures, written assignments, and quizzes). Each distance online or hybrid course constitutes the following:
    1. 3 unit course: 45 clock hours of synchronous/asynchronous interaction and up to 135 hours of independent learning.
    2. 2 unit course: 30 clock hours of synchronous/asynchronous interaction and up to 90 hours of independent learning.
    3. 1 unit course: 15 clock hours of synchronous/asynchronous interaction and up to 45 hours of independent learning.

      For the 30-credit hour MLS program, up to 1,800 hours of interaction and independent study are expected for the degree.

14.2 MLS - Length of Program

  1. Course and Program Length

    The MLS program is a part-time online program. Courses in the MLS program are taught over eight weeks. In week 8, instruction ends on the first Monday. Each class meeting begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Exceptions may occur and will be announced by e-mail. Students are cautioned not to make discretionary plans that will prevent them from participating in the online class or completing course assignments.

    Each academic year consists of three semesters, each of which has two terms, so that six terms (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, Spring 2, Summer 1, and Summer 2) per year are offered. Students may begin their studies in the MLS program three times each year: Fall 1, Spring 1, and Summer 1. See MLS Academic Calendar.

    The program is offered as a 30-unit program. The 30-unit program is designed to be completed in 10 terms; with intersessions, most students will complete the program in about 1 year and six months.

    Students must complete all requirements for the MLS degree within three years of beginning the program.
  2. Units Per Term

    It is anticipated that a student typically will complete one course per term (3 units), and then complete the 3-unit Capstone course during the last term of enrollment. Subject to availability of courses, students wishing to enroll in more than one course per term should contact their Student Services advisor.
  3. A student’s program may, of necessity, be required to depart from the above norms in special situations, such as when a student is on probation, is a transfer student, or has interrupted the customary sequence of study for any reason.
  4. Each student is responsible for planning his or her own program, within the limits of the School’s policies, so as to complete all course and graduation requirements within the time limits stated above. Graduation likely will be delayed for students who do not adhere to the typical sequence of courses. The School has no provisions for partial course credit, so students may find it necessary to complete more than the required units of credit to meet graduation requirements.
  5. Any deviation from the prescribed program must be approved by the MLS Program Chair.

14.3 MLS - Course Descriptions

Each student may elect a concentration (either Frontiers in Law or Regulatory Compliance/Legal Risk Management) and, prior to graduation, complete all required courses and sufficient elective “concentration” courses as needed to fulfill program unit requirements.

All courses are letter-graded. Note: All courses are offered in irregular rotation, depending in part on student enrollment in each concentration and faculty availability.

Course Descriptions  

14.4 MLS - Required Courses

  1. The curriculum consists of required courses and elective courses.

  2. To graduate, students must complete 18 units of required courses, including each of those listed below, and 12 units of elective courses. The Capstone is designed to be taken as the student’s last course, or within six units of graduation.

MLS 440 - Administrative Process  

MLS 410 - American Legal System  

MLS 445 - Capstone course  

MLS 415 - Legal Fundamentals  

MLS 430 - Litigation and Its Alternatives  

MLS 435 - Research and Advocacy  

  1. Courses are scheduled in a mixed cycle of required and elective courses. Before enrolling in an elective course, MLS students must first successfully complete three of the required core courses, excluding the Capstone. To successfully complete a course, a student must earn at least a B-. Students seeking an exception to this requirement must petition the Dean or her designee.
  2. Courses must be taken during the cycle or postponed until offered again. Advisors will inform students of the planned cycle of courses. Postponement likely will delay graduation.
  3. A student must complete one of the core courses during his or her first session of enrollment. Thereafter the student will complete one course in each subsequent term in which the student is enrolled. The student must complete 12 elective units. If the student chooses a concentration, then s/he must complete 9 units in the chosen concentration.

14.5 MLS - Elective Concentration Courses

  1. In addition to 18 units of required coursework, to graduate students must complete an additional 12 units (4 courses) of elective coursework. Students who complete 9 units (3 courses) under a particular concentration will, upon graduation, have that concentration designated on their transcript.
  2. MLS Residency Program (optional)
    During the student’s enrollment, a multi-day MLS Residency program will be held during which students will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with faculty and leaders in the legal profession, government, or other fields. Each student will have the option of participating once while enrolled, by choosing when it is offered the elective concentration course designated “with Residency” in that student’s concentration. Students who choose not to participate in the Residency program will take the corresponding elective without the Residency designation.

    Students in the Frontiers of Law concentration will choose between Emerging Threats with Residency and Emerging Threats. Students in the Regulatory Compliance/Legal Risk Management concentration will choose between Data Security & Breach with Residency and Data Security & Breach. A student can earn academic credit for one but not both of the corresponding courses (e.g., a student who has earned credit for completing Emerging Threats with Residency cannot earn academic credit for having taken Emerging Threats).
  3. Elective Concentration Courses

14.6 MLS - Curriculum Matrix

Although course offerings are subject to change, subject to enrollment, and faculty availability, below is the matrix of MLS courses anticipated to be taught in Academic Year 2018-2019.


Curriculum Matrix

Semester 1
Term 1 Term 2
Core 1 Core 2
Semester 2
Term 1 Term 2
Core 3 Core 4
Semester 3
Term 1 Term 2
Core 5 Elective
Semester 4
Term 1 Term 2
Elective Elective
Semester 5
Term 1 Term 2
Elective Capstone



Core Courses

MLS410 American Legal System (3)
MLS 415 Legal Fundamentals (3)
MLS430 Litigation and Its Alternatives (3)
MLS435 Research and Advocacy (3)
MLS440 Administrative Process (3)
MLS445 Capstone Course (3)

Frontiers of Law Concentration

MLS500 Privacy Dilemmas (3)
MLS 501 Bio-Legal Issues (3)
MLS502 Global Relationships (3)
MLS503 Emerging Threats OR
MLS504 Emerging Threats (includes Residency) (3)

Regulatory Compliance/Legal Risk Management Concentration:

MLS510 Regulation and Compliance (3)
MLS511 Liability, Risk, and Insurance (3)
MLS514 Litigation Operations (3)
MLS512 Data Security and Breach OR
MLS513 Data Security and Breach (includes Residency) (3)


14.7 MLS - Registration Procedures

  1. Prior to the start of each session, continuing students will be notified by JURIS e-mail of information about tuition, fees, class schedules, academic calendar, registration deadlines, and required books by their Student Advisor in COL Student Services. Students are responsible to purchase or otherwise obtain the required books through outside vendors. The Academic Catalog will be available on the Gateway. Syllabi and other course information is found in Canvas, the online Learning Management System.
  2. Students registering for the first time will be contacted by COL Student Services with information about registration, the Orientation webinar, and passwords for access to Westlaw, the Gateway, and Canvas.
  3. New students will be provided with a JURIS e-mail account and log-in credentials to the School’s e-learning platform shortly after acceptance to the program and upon payment of the required tuition deposit.
  4. See Sections 6.2 and 6.3 for policies on adding and dropping courses and the requirement for continuous enrollment.
  5. Students who do not register for the upcoming session are administratively withdrawn for non-registration and/or non-attendance; procedures for arranging a leave of absence are described in Section 6.2 , Leave of Absence.
  6. Subject to availability of courses, students wishing to enroll in more than one course per term should contact their Student Services advisor.

14.8 Participation Policy

Students must log in and participate in the online course by the first Wednesday of the term. Failure to do so will result in administrative withdrawal. All students must actively participate in online discussions and varied course assignments as outlined in the syllabus and in accordance with the timelines set forth in Canvas. To be considered an active participant, a student must log in at least three days each week. To receive a maximum of points per week, students must participate actively in all class and online activities (see assignment and discussion rubric for further detail).

Students should be aware that a failure to materially participate in online activities, discussions, and/or assignments can be treated similar to absences in traditional face-to-face course format. Logins without material participation is a failure to actively and meaningfully participate in discussions and/ or complete activities, and may result in administrative withdrawal.

MLS - Dual Degree Program

15.1 Dual Degree Programs-Definition
15.2 Dual Degree Enrollment/Withdrawal
15.3 Dual Degree Programs
15.4 dual Degree Sample Curriculum


15.1 Dual Degree Programs-Definition

  1. When a student enrolls in Dual Degree Programs, they are admitted to two separate degree programs at two collaborating academic institutions.  The Dual Degree Programs at the collaborating institutions will share some coursework, through previously agreed upon transfer credit, so that a student may pursue both degrees simultaneously or consecutively and in an expeditious manner.  Upon successful completion of each program, a student will be awarded separate degrees from the participating institutions. 

15.2 Dual Degree Enrollment/Withdrawal

  1. Students wishing to enroll in a Dual Degree Program must do so by separately applying to, and being accepted by, both degree-granting institutions.
  2. If a student is currently part of a Dual Degree program, in good academic standing, with no holds on his/her account, and wishes to only pursue one degree, they may do so by transferring into the single version of their degree program of choice. They can do so by providing written notification to the Registrar’s Office.  Program Transfers can only occur in between terms.  If a student who was originally pursuing a Dual Degree, decides to no longer pursue the COL part of the degree, they will be administratively withdrawn.
  3. If a current student decides that they would like to pursue a Dual Degree program after they have matriculated, they may do so by transferring into the Dual Degree version of their degree program of choice, after having been accepted to the collaborating institution.  They can do so by providing written notification to the Registrar’s Office.  Program Transfers can only occur in between terms.

15.3 Dual Degree Programs

The Master of Legal Studies program currently has Dual Degree Programs with The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP), a not-for-profit, regionally accredited institution.  TCSPP is affiliated with Colleges of Law through the TCS Education System.  The Admissions Office at TCSPP may be contacted online at or by phone at 888-905-9458.  MLS students interested in a Dual Degree Program may also contact their COL Student Services advisor.

  1. MA Forensic Psychology: Non-Licensure Track AND Master of Legal Studies
  2. MA Industrial/Organizational Psychology: ARP Track AND Master of Legal Studies
  3. MA Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Internship Track AND Master of Legal Studies
    1. Note: the MA IO: Internship Track program can be completed at the Chicago, LA, or D.C. Campus with MLS coursework completed online

15.4 Dual Degree Sample Curriculum

MA Forensic Psychology and Master of Legal Studies - TCSPP and COL

Program Requirements: MA Forensic Psychology: Non-Licensure Track

MA Forensic Psychology: Non-Licensure Track
Course # Course Title Credits
FO610 Introduction to Forensic Psychology 2
FO611 Ethics and Professional Issues 3
FO612 Psychology for the Lifespan 3
FO613 Psychopathology 3
FO617 Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing 3
FO647 Diversity in Forensic Psychology 3




Evaluation and Treatment of the Adult Offender


Evaluation and Treatment of the Juvenile Offender

FO621 Trauma and Crisis Intervention 2
FO625 Assessment and Treatment of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 3
FO622 Mental Health Law 2
FO710 The Applied Research Project: Introduction 1
FO711 The Applied Research Project: Literature Review 1
  Total Core MA FO Program Credits: 28
Transfer Credits from MLS
MLS450 Capstone 3
MLSXXX Elective #1 MLS 3
MLSXXX Elective #2 MLS 3
  Total Transfer Credits from MLS 9
Total MA Forensic Psychology: Non-Licensure Program Credits:   37

MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology: ARP Track and Master of Legal Studies - TCSPP and COL

Program Requirements: MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology: ARP Track


MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology: ARP Track
Course # Course Title Credits
IO510 Organizational Behavior 3
IO511 Organizational Culture and Design 3
IO519 Statistics and Lab 4
IO512 Organizational Consulting Skills 3
IO524 Training: Theory, Design, & Evaluation 3
IO522 Performance Appraisal 3
IO523 Job Analysis and Employee Selection 3
IO525 Organizational Leadership 3
IO611 The Applied Research Project: Intro to ARP and ARP Needs Assessment 1
IO612 The Applied Research Project: Literature Review 1
IO613 The Applied Research Project: Intervention and Program Evaluation 1
IO614 The Applied Research Project: Professional Ethics 1
IO615 The Applied Research Project: Final Deliverable and Showcase Preparation 1
IO616 The Applied Research Project: ARP Showcase Defense 1
IOXXX IO Diversity Elective 3
  Total MA IO: ARP Track Credits: 34
MLS Transfer Credits
MLS Core Course #1
MLS Core Course #2 3
Total MLS Program Credits 6
Total MA IO: ARP Track Program Credits 40

MA Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Internship Track and Master of Legal Studies - TCSPP and COL

Program Requirements: MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Internship Track

MA IO Internship Track
Course # Course Title Credits
IO400 Professional Development 3
IO519 Statistics and Lab 4
IO510 Organizational Behavior 3
IO520 Personnel Psychology 3
IO591 Ethics 1
IO512 Consulting Skills 3
IO511 Organizational Culture and Design 3
IO593 Internship I 1
IO599 Internship II 1
IOXXX Diversity Elective 3
IOXXX IO Seminar Course 3
IOXXX IO Seminar Course 3
IOXXX IO Seminar Course 3
IOXXX IO Seminar Course 3
  Total MA IO Core Credits: 37
Transfer Credits from MLS
MLS Core Course #1 3
Total MA IO: Internship Track Program Credits 40


16.1 MLS - Letter Grades and Status Designations

  1. A letter grading system is used for all courses. Grades are assigned from “A” to “F”, with numerical point equivalents on the School’s 4-point scale:
MLS Grading Scale
Percentage Letter Grade GPA
96% - 100% A 4.00
93% - 95.9% A- 3.70
89% - 92.9% B+ 3.30
85% - 88.9% B 3.00
83% - 84.9% B- 2.70
79% - 82.9% C+ 2.30 - credit not applicable towards degree
75% - 78.9% C 2.00 - credit not applicable towards degree
72% - 74.9% C- 1.70 - credit not applicable towards degree
68% - 71.9% D+ 1.30 - credit not applicable towards degree
64% - 67.9% D 1.00 - credit not applicable towards degree
< 63.9% F 0.00 - no credit/not applicable towards degree


  1. Grade designations denote the following:
  A/A- Honors
  B+/B Competency, ranging from basic to strong; at the level of competence for good standing and satisfactory progress toward graduation
  B- Below competency, but included for purposes of calculating rate of progress
  C+/D Insufficient for academic credit (when a student receives a grade below “B-” in a required course, the course must be repeated
  F Failure; insufficient for academic credit (when a student receives a grade below “B-” in a required course, the course must be repeated
  1. Other grade/status designations used to indicate a student’s grade or status at the School, and which may appear on the student’s transcript and/or other records, are:
  Academically Disqualified

Student has been academically disqualified from the School.

  Academic & FA Probation Student is on academic and financial aid probation.
  Academic & FA Warning Student is on academic and financial aid warning
  Graduate Student has graduated from the School.
  Leave of Absence

Student is on a leave of absence, without indicating whether in continued good standing or other than in continued good standing.

  Standard Period of Non-Enrollment Student placed in this status if due to scheduling of courses there is no course available for a student to take in a particular term.
  INC Incomplete. Used in the very rare circumstance where the student has been permitted to have additional time to complete the requirements for a particular course. Where a student is permitted to receive an incomplete, the student must complete the mandated course requirements within the period of time specified by the Dean, Department Chair or Instructor; otherwise, the course grade will revert to an “F” or, if a Pass/Fail course, to a “Fail”.


In progress. Used in two-session courses with respect to completion of the first session. Courses of more than one session carry no credit until successful completion of both sessions.
    *Note: IP grades given at the end of the first session of a course completed over two sessions will be changed upon completion of the entire course to reflect the final course grade.

Course repeated. This notation appears next to the effective grade, which is the higher of the two grades in a repeated course. The prior grade also appears.


Transfer Credit. Unit credit from another school or program (when granted).


Withdrawal. Student is withdrawn (or deemed withdrawn), without indicating whether in continued good standing or other than in continued good standing.

  WF Withdrawal/Fail. Failure due to withdrawal prior to course completion. See refund schedule for further distinction
  N/A Used to indicate that a student attended class but was not subsequently admitted to the program


16.2 MLS - Calculation of Cumulative GPA

  1. The cumulative grade point average (cGPA) is calculated based on course grades.
  2. To calculate the cGPA, multiply the final grade in each letter-graded course by its unit value, total the sum of the products for all such courses, and divide that sum by the total number of letter-graded units. The cGPA is expressed on the transcript as a number, truncated at the second decimal. For example, the cGPA for a student who had course grades of “B” (3.0 points) in American Legal System, “A” (4.0) in Legal Fundamentals and “B” (3.0) in Research and Advocacy is calculated in this manner:
  American Legal System 3.0 x 3 (units) = 9.0
  Legal Fundamentals 4.0 x 3 (units) = 12.0
  Research and Advocacy 3.0 x 3 (units) = 9.0

  Grade points (for 9.0 units) = 30.0

GPA (30.0 points divided by 9 units) = 3.33

Grades earned in subsequent sessions would then be added to the prior grades to determine the student’s cGPA.

16.3 MLS - Petition for Change of Grade

  1. Except as otherwise provided in this Catalog, grades will not be changed after approval by the Director of the MLS Program except to correct an arithmetic error or other material mistake by the instructor, such as incorrect calculation of points noted in the margin. An allegation that an instructor has not fairly graded an examination or other paper of the student, or has departed from established policy, is treated as an allegation of material mistake.
  2. Authority to decide student petitions for change of grade is held by the faculty’s Academic Standards and Admission Committee (ASAC). The ASAC will not authorize a change in any grade without a showing of material mistake by the instructor by clear, convincing, and objectively verifiable evidence; the ASAC will not permit or require a change of any grading decision by an instructor which represents qualitative judgment concerning a student’s performance. Objectively verifiable evidence is not shown by a student’s belief that the analysis deserved a higher grade.
  3. A student is not permitted to lobby an instructor for a change of grade. A student who has identified a potential material mistake may ask the instructor to review the claimed error. At the instructor’s election, the instructor may require the student to submit a written analysis of the claimed error or to present the analysis to the instructor.
  4. A student who wishes to appeal a grade must do so by timely filing a written petition for grade change to the ASAC. All such petitions must: 1) be filed with the Registrar within 14 calendar days of the date the original grade was posted; 2) state clearly, specifically, and fully the basis for the claim of material mistake; 3) provide clear, convincing, and objectively verifiable evidence of the claimed mistake; and 4) include a copy of any written analysis submitted to the instructor.
  5. Decisions on petitions to the ASAC are made pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in the Charter for the Academic Standards and Admissions Committee of The Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law (“the Charter”), a copy of which is available on the Gateway (

16.4 MLS - Repetition of Courses

  1. Students must make satisfactory academic progress toward the MLS degree by maintaining a grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0. Course grades below B- do not count toward graduation requirements. A student who receives a course grade below B- in a required course must retake the course.  If a student receives a grade below B- in an elective course, the student will not receive credit towards the degree and must retake the same or another elective course.
  2. In addition:
    1. When a course is successfully retaken, the more recent of the two grades will be computed in the cumulative grade point average; the points for the less recent grade will not be computed in the student’s GPA.
    2. The original grade will remain on the student’s transcript, along with the grade received for the retaken course.

MLS - Graduation

17.1 Master of Legal Studies - Graduation

  1. The School will confer the degree of Master of Legal Studies upon a student who has timely met all requirements for graduation.
  2. To be eligible for graduation, a student must do all the following:
    1. Complete at least the 30 units of MLS credits, including 18 units in required courses and 12 units in elective courses within three years of beginning the program.
    2. Achieve a cumulative grade point average of not less than 3.00.
    3. Successfully complete all courses with a grade of at least “B-“.
    4. Fulfill all other academic requirements.
    5. Pay all fees, charges, and tuition due.
  3. Graduation Dates and Ceremony

    One graduation ceremony is held annually. The Graduation Processing Fee is owed by a student who elects to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students will be deemed graduated, and degrees will be dated, as of the end of the session in which all such requirements are met.