LAW 7331 - Crime and PunishmentElective The sentencing process is one of the most critical aspects of criminal law, yet also one of the most complex, and relatedly, misunderstood by both the general public, the media, and even legal professionals. This course will provide a bird's eye view of sentencing in both the federal and state (California) courts. In particular, focus will be given to deconstructing the United States Sentencing Guidelines ("USSG"), which govern the sentences imposed in every federal criminal case. Students will also be expected to attend at least one sentencing hearing and provide their observations, as well as participate in a mock sentencing hearing as either a defense lawyer or prosecutor. At the conclusion of the course, students will have developed a modicum of fluency with the USSG as well as the operative mechanics of the relevant provisions of the California sentencing scheme. Prerequisite: LAW 6130 Criminal Law or LAW 6135 Criminal Law Units: 2 Grading: Letter Grade |
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